The Wright & McGill Granger Favorite is considered the last of the “high grade” Grangers.

The Favorite was available in 7 1/2′ to 9 1/2′ lengths (3.75 oz. to 6 oz.) and priced at $50. Tournament models could also be purchased 9′ lengths (5 oz. to 5.75 oz.) including a TF9052 carry-over.

Production of the Wright & McGill Granger Favorite grade lasted from 1947 through 1953. It was the highest grade available in the 1953 Catalog.

1949 WM Favorite

Like the grade name suggests in the 1947 Catalog: “These rods are special favorites with skilled fishermen.”  The Favorite is constructed with A-Grade cane matched up from different culms.

The Favorite is the only grade in the Wright & McGill lineup with full intermediate wraps.  This unique trait gives these rods a timeless, classic appearance… and many Granger collectors consider this grade their “Favorite”.