The Goodwin Rod was introduced in the 1923/1924 Granger Catalog as the second-highest grade available.
The Goodwin Rod was one of Granger’s most popular grades given it’s classic appearance and moderate price point. It was introduced at $30 (later reduced to $25) and was available in 7 1/2′ to 10′ lengths (3 oz. to 6.5 oz.)
Goodwin Rods of the 2nd era were labeled beginning with “R1” for Regular Rods or “T1” for Tournament Rods followed by the model number (e.g., R17630 or T19043). Rods of the 3rd era were labeled beginning with “RF” for Regular Rods or “TF” for Tournament Rods followed by the model number (e.g., RF7630 or TF9043).
Production of The Goodwin Rod grade lasted until 1930 when it was renamed the “Favorite”.
The Goodwin Rod is listed as a “High Grade” rod constructed with A-Grade cane matched up from different culms.
The Goodwin Rod has a distinctive wrap pattern that consists of black & white jasper windings tipped with full intermediate gold wraps.* This unique trait gives these rods a timeless, classic appearance… and many Granger collectors appreciate the unique aesthetic of this grade.