The Wright & McGill Granger Favorite is considered the last of the “high grade” Grangers.
The Favorite was available in 7 1/2′ to 9 1/2′ lengths (3.75 oz. to 6 oz.) and priced at $50. Tournament models could also be purchased 9′ lengths (5 oz. to 5.75 oz.) including a TF9052 carry-over.
Production of the Wright & McGill Granger Favorite grade lasted from 1947 through 1953. It was the highest grade available in the 1953 Catalog.
Like the grade name suggests in the 1947 Catalog: “These rods are special favorites with skilled fishermen.” The Favorite is constructed with A-Grade cane matched up from different culms.
The Favorite is the only grade in the Wright & McGill lineup with full intermediate wraps. This unique trait gives these rods a timeless, classic appearance… and many Granger collectors consider this grade their “Favorite”.